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Monthly Archives: July 2014
Gram Oorja, resident incubatee at Venture Center is captured in a report at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs
Gram Oorja has been highlighted in a report titled as “Rural Energy Alternatives in India: Opportunities in Financing and Community Engagement for Renewable Energy Microgrid Projects” which focuses on challenges for rural electrification in India and possible approaches to meet them. The report was produced by a group of second year graduate students at the Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs as a degree requirement for the completion of a Masters of Public Affairs.
The complete report :
The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, founded at Princeton University in 1930, provides an interdisciplinary program that prepares undergraduate and graduate students for careers in public and international affairs
Uniqflux Membranes LLP, have been selected for the INDIA SME 100 Awards for the Membrane manufacturing activity
The India SME Forum is India’s only not for profit, non political, non governmental and non trade association and is India largest SME initiative for enabling the SMEs to sharing best practices, addressing their concerns and rewarding success.
The India SME 100 ranking will act as catalyst to identify promising SMEs and recognize them for eventually becoming large global-oriented companies and also to offer them the platform to promote themselves to investors and partners to sustain growth
List of the award winners can be found here: